Embrace Resort
EMBRACE Resort in Staniel Cay Exumas Bahamas is both rejuvenating and educational. We hope to take you on a journey through seven of our beautiful islands with the history and culture of the Bahamas depicted in each villa. Bahamian delicacies will be found in our restaurant with a twist of class to satisfy your taste buds with Caribbean seasonings and spices that will be remembered. All this mixed in with international flavors so there is something for everyone.
Embrace Resort
EMBRACE Resort in Staniel Cay Exumas Bahamas is both rejuvenating and educational. We hope to take you on a journey through seven of our beautiful islands with the history and culture of the Bahamas depicted in each villa. Bahamian delicacies will be found in our restaurant with a twist of class to satisfy your taste buds with Caribbean seasonings and spices that will be remembered. All this mixed in with international flavors so there is something for everyone.
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